Automotive Protection Systems

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

Automotive Protection Systems is a concise report on the parts that are used in car locking systems. This resource is for those who are interested to know more about the Car locking systems.

The details..

The book 'Automotive Protection Systems' is a comprehensive guide that delves into the world of car security. The author explores different types of locking mechanisms used in modern vehicles such as window locks, exterior locks, ignition locks and steering wheel locks. Readers will learn about wing or vent windows with lever latches equipped with plungers for added security. Additionally, the book explains how side-bar wafer lock offers better protection than other tumbler options but at a higher cost.

One section focuses on defeating club-type auto-locks which are popular among vehicle owners due to their affordability and ease-of-use. However, these can be easily forced open by following specific steps outlined in this chapter using weightlifting gloves to bend or shatter the extensible bar without causing injury.

Another important aspect covered is auto-alarm systems which have become increasingly common over time as an additional layer of defense against thefts. This section discusses starter kill switches that disconnect power from starting engines when armed while valet switches allow temporary disabling for repairs or parking attendants.

Finally, readers will gain insights into motion sensors that detect movement inside vehicles like UNGO box's mercury-filled tubes surrounded by wire coils; shock sensors scanning short periods detecting kicks/tire hits triggering alarms; glass breakage sensors picking up high frequencies upon breaking/cutting glass surfaces via microphones placed inside cars; field-motion perimeter guards designed especially convertible owners who need extra layers of safety.

Resource Info

Page count: 4
Size: 22kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
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Defensive Skills
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